Inside our Classroom

Inside our classroom you will find a motivated group of young students, eager to push themselves. At the beginning of this school year, we are going to determine what makes each of us a better learner:

  • What manipulatives we have access to, and when they might be the most useful.
  • Where can we incorporate technology in the classroom - chromebooks, smartboards, and projectors.
  • When can we work indivdually, in pairs, or in large groups.
  • How can we keep math relevant, and most importantly, how can we keep math fun?

We may not all love math, but that doesn't mean we can't all try our hardest to succeed. The ability to relate math to our everyday lives will help us to understand why we need to learn these concepts. By determining what makes each of us a better learner, the lessons can be crafted to put us in the best position to be successful.

To follow along with daily updates from our classroom, a class Twitter will be created. This is where you can see examples of our best work, and pictures of how we got there!